Monday, January 20, 2014

Close Encounters of the Gluten Kind

A blurry picture, like all the good ones of TLM smiling. Such good smiles, though :)
The clear pictures all look similar to this one:
These pics have nothing to do with the post, but they're cute and I had to share them.

Thursday night I got glutened for first time in two years (almost exactly). The last time was our first trip to WDW, and I got glutened two days in a row, which was definitely not fun.

So much time has passed since my last reaction that I'd started hoping I wasn't as sensitive as I was in the past. This doesn't seem to be the case though, since I'm still not completely sure how I got glutened. My best guess is contamination at dinner time, but I'm not certain. If that's what it was, it would have been a minuscule crumb or two that would have caused all these problems. Of course, it's not the first time crumbs have caused me problems.

It's disappointing, but also a good wake-up call. I haven't been quite as diligent as I should be at avoiding "shared facility" items, and I haven't been double-checking the counters before using them. Mr M has not quite gone gluten free (he's finishing up a few items we already had), and though we both try to be careful, there's room for improvement.

My first tip-off was the insomnia that had me lying in bed at 1 am, wide awake. Not long after the insomnia hit, the burning stomach pain showed up. I hate this part- dealing with constant pain is exhausting. I had some nausea, but it wasn't too bad. I had some intestinal issues, but not as bad as last time, probably because I didn't get glutened two days in a row.

I don't remember the symptoms hanging around quite as long as they did this time. I still had some residual nausea and stomach pain Saturday morning, though it went away as the day progressed.

I am a bit concerned about the effect on TLM. LMS definitely had tummy issues because of gluten I ate (I didn't go gluten free till she was 3 years old) and I had hoped to avoid that with TLM since this time around I am gluten free. We didn't notice any tummy troubles in him, so hopefully one small gluten exposure didn't do too much damage.

I'd forgotten about the stomach issues giving me the munchies. In an effort to calm the burning stomach pain, my body wants sweets and/or carbs. The timing sucks though, since we're transitioning to GAPS/Paleo and don't have much in the way of sweets or gf crackers/cookies/etc sitting around any more. It adds to the stress of not feeling good and being very tired from pain and lack of sleep because the insomnia kept me up so late. Early? I finally fell asleep about half an hour before Mr M's alarm went off.

Sunday night I found this article that talks about a new blood test that claims to be almost 100% accurate and requires only 4 days of gluten ingestion rather than the 4-6 weeks the current tests require. That would be significantly less physically overwhelming, but I still don't think it's worth it. I don't think even 4 days is doable for me. I'd still have to eat significant amounts of gluten during those four days, and I'd be pretty much useless for anything. I'd be curled up on a couch, feeling like I was dying, but not actually dying.

I don't know when this test will become available, but it's not something I'm willing to do anytime soon, since I won't do it while breastfeeding TLM. In the meantime, hopefully I can go even longer than two years before my next gluten experience.

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