Monday, March 5, 2012

Another snow day!

 This morning we got more snow- yay!

There wasn't much when we got up, but by the time it stopped around 11, we had 5 or 6 inches of snow everywhere.

LMS had fun gathering snow to make snowballs to throw at daddy.

Schools were closed, so while we did a little schoolwork, we also made sure to play in the snow. LMS and I did some sledding and had a snowball fight, which mostly consisted of me throwing snowballs at her while she hid in her play house and giggled. She thought it was so fun!

The snow started melting after it stopped falling, but there was enough left when Mr M got home from work for him to do some sledding and help LMS finally build a snowman- she's been asking to build one for several years, and this has been the first time she's gotten to.

I like the leaf hair :)
Here's hoping we get some more snow!

1 comment:

  1. I think I might actually miss snow! Well, at least seeing it fall (especially at night), seeing it first thing when everything looks clean and white, and playing in it! After that I don't miss it at all:driving, the nasty gray slush, the cold...
    LMS is soooooo cute!
