Saturday, December 17, 2011

Forced down time

I had a nasty cold the last two weeks and it really knocked me out. I've had to force myself not to run around doing my usual activities. 10 years of feeling like crap got me in the habit of getting stuff done, even when I wasn't feeling good. A week of not feeling good and several more days of feeling horrible made me realize I have to stop and take it easy.

This is not easy for me to do: Christmas is rapidly approaching, I have church responsibilities (our RS Christmas activity was Tuesday night and the ward activity was Friday night), there is so much I "need" to be doing.

Late Tuesday morning I made the call to one of my counselors and told her I was too sick to go to our RS Christmas Get-To-Know-You activity (bringing together sisters from 3 wards means we had to plan an activity for December, even though we didn't have much time to do so).  I felt especially bad about calling in sick since my other counselor and my secretary were both out sick on Sunday (and I should have been too). But I felt so much better after making that call- just getting rid of the stress. I'm very grateful I have great counselors who took care of everything so I didn't have to worry about it (they're feeling better, at least).  It was also a good exercise in letting go and not being a control freak, like I tend to be.

I spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday laying on the couch, catching up on some tv shows. I also got to organize all my bookmarked webpages and update my recipes in Plan to Eat, which I've been meaning to do for awhile now.

This morning I managed to go for a short run, which went really well. My knee didn't hurt (the physical therapy is helping!) and I didn't cough up a lung, despite the cold temps. I was really surprised that my throat and lungs reacted as well as they did. I'm encouraged at my prospects for the half marathon (3 weeks from this morning!).

Now that I'm finally feeling better, I'm actually being quite productive- I'll have some projects to share soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're feeling better! I have such a hard time just stopping and resting. Like you, I've felt like crap for the past 9 years or so (since the mono, sure did a number on me!) and am always pushing myself to get things done when really I should just be resting so I can get over whatever illness has decided to settle in. Good for you for delegating--it's so hard to do sometimes. Good luck getting everything done this week--the little last minute things might do me in! :)
