Saturday, August 6, 2011

My computer is almost up and running again

Ready for the saga?

I tripped over the cord and pulled it off the dining room table on a Tuesday night. I initially thought it was ok, but it spazzed out a short time later and wouldn't start up. I talked to one of my brothers who is computer-savvy and was able to get it to move a little further in the boot-up process, but not much. Mr M was due to return home that Friday night, so I resigned myself to a few days of being computer-less.

When Mr M got home he looked at it and tried some more things, but still couldn't get it to work properly. However, we didn't have time to do anything else with it, since we left the next day for a 5 week roadtrip/multiple family reunions/vacation.

A week and a half later we finally had some time to mess with it again and Mr M took it to a computer repair place. They were able to retrieve the info on my hard drive (good) but reformatted it from a 64 bit something or other to a 32 bit something or other (bad). So while I could now access my stuff, the computer still wouldn't run properly.

Two and a half weeks later we once again had time to mess it with it, and this time we just went and bought a new hard drive. Mr M has spent his spare minutes over the last week or so setting everything up, transferring files, and all that fun stuff.

I'm so glad he knows how to do all this, since I am definitely not the most computer literate person.

My computer should be finished tonight and then I can get caught up on my posts. I had planned on having several auto-posting while we were gone, but the computer problems nixed that idea. So I'll have lots of posts for the next week or so, and then we'll go back to my regular trickle :)

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